DEMINT: The Secret To Trump’s Winning: Trust

January 23, 2020

Our nation was born, in 1776, with our Founders’ promise of “our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor” to one another. Our Constitution was rooted in 1787, creating — in Benjamin Franklin’s famous warning — “a republic, if you can keep it.” And of course, the only way to “keep” a republic is through […]

DEMINT: Trump Is Putting America First In Syria — And It’s Confused Washington

November 6, 2019

In the pages of daily newspapers and scholarly journals, there is a kind of shadow war being fought over Donald Trump’s legacy. Journalists, scholars, and politicos across the ideological spectrum are trying to piece together the president’s sometimes ambiguous, seemingly contradictory policy instincts. The president doesn’t fit into the typical boxes of traditional conservative or […]