BCRA unlikely to survive the Parliamentarian? Hold your horses.
Overcoming Democrat Obstruction in the Senate
January 7, 2019The past two years have seen record obstruction from Senate Democrats against the confirmations of President Trump’s nominees. Democrats continue to demand cloture votes — the 60 vote requirement — on nearly all nominees, even those that a majority of the Senate does not oppose. Invoking cloture adds an extra day to the consideration of […]
Senate Handcuffs Itself on Yemen Resolution
December 13, 2018The Senate is considering Senate Joint Resolution 54, under the expedited procedures in 50 USC 1546(a) (the War Powers Act). The statute provides for a fully open amendment process with no limitations. Which would mean that, according to the statute, the Senate can pass literally any amendment (build the wall, Repeal Obamacare, defund Planned Parenthood, […]
Senate Procedure For Considering a Message from the House
December 10, 2018In Senate procedural terms, a “Message” is a bill that has been amended in the House and sent back to the Senate. The Senate can do several things with the amendment — Concur (i.e. pass the bill with the House Amendment) Concur with an Amendment (i.e. amend the bill and send back to the House) […]
The Senate Undertakes a War Powers Resolution. Now What?
November 30, 2018In a surprising vote on Wednesday, the Senate moved forward debate on a resolution of disapproval on U.S. participation in the conflict in Yemen. The resolution, offered by Senators Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Chris Murphy (D-Ct.), was offered under the War Powers Act (WPA). Under the terms of the law, which was […]
The Process for Electing a Speaker of the House
November 20, 2018As the incoming majority in the House of Representatives, Democrats are preparing to elect their next Speaker. Will Nancy Pelosi return to the post, which she previously held from 2007 to 2010, or will a younger generation of Members succeed her? More importantly, however, just how does a Speaker get elected? According to Democratic caucus […]
The Senate’s Missing Pro-Life Policy Riders
August 20, 2018The Senate is in town for its first full work-week in August to address spending bills for Labor, Health and Human Services (Labor-HHS) and the Department of Defense (DOD), the two largest executive agencies. Appropriations bills usually provide a forum for an open amendment process, where members have many opportunities to offer their ideas and have […]
49 Federal Judge Slots Aren’t Getting the SCOTUS-Style Limelight. They Should.
July 23, 2018President Trump’s selection of his second Supreme Court appointment, the Hon. Brett Kavanaugh, is heralded as a Republican victory. The media and both parties are singularly focused on the confirmation of Kavanaugh’s appointment. But with all the focus on this nomination, the Senate itself is ignoring equally important nominations: judges for the lower courts. The […]
An Opportunity for Free-Market Ag Reform?
June 25, 2018The Senate is taking up the Farm Bill this week, which provides conservatives numerous opportunities for amendments. Here are eight ideas for reform. Reduce subsidies by 15 percent the federal crop insurance subsidy for farmers with an adjusted gross income of $700,000. This amendment was offered by Sens. Coburn (R-OK) and Durbin (D-Ill.) in 2013, […]
The Holman Rule: Congress vs the bureaucrats
June 8, 2018Arcane procedural maneuvers are usually reserved for the Senate. But this week in the House, Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) resurrected a House rule from 1876 in a bid to take down a bureaucrat. On Thursday, the House considered Gosar’s amendment to reduce the salary of Mark Gabriel, the Administrator of the Western Power Administration, to […]
Conservative Calendar 2017-2018
May 1, 2018Every year, groups within the conservative movement hold important conferences that help shape the debates, policies and messaging of freedom fighters on the right. Below are some important conservative events held around the country. If you have tips on events that should be listed, please email us at [email protected]. 2018 May 16-18: GOPAC Spring Leadership […]
The McConnell Senate’s weekly 30-hour fake-out must end
April 10, 2018This week in the “Lazy Senate,” the spotlight is on the Senate’s pesky 30-hour rule — the one that Republicans constantly blame for the Senate’s slow pace of confirmations. But is it? The short answer is, no. It’s just another excuse by Republican leadership to be, you guessed it, lazy. Here’s why. In 2013 and […]
Why is the Senate’s Republican majority allowing Democrats to run roughshod?
April 10, 2018The Senate’s arcane rules have never been more popular. The Senate’s 44 standing rules, usually obscured by their more popular precedents or made irrelevant by routine waivers, are suddenly getting some love. The rules haven’t changed or made a sudden showy reappearance on C-SPAN. In fact, it’s the opposite. Conservatives are getting irritated with the Senate Republicans refusal to use […]
The Lowdown on Rescissions
April 4, 2018After expressing unhappiness with the size of the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill he signed last month, reports indicate that President Trump is working on a package of rescissions to cut some of the spending. What is a rescission? A “rescission” is the cancellation or reduction of budget authority (the ability of an agency to […]
The Lazy Senate
March 8, 2018Congress loves to pretend to be working while not actually doing much of anything. It’s a Swamp specialty. This is particularly true in theUnited States Senate, where Republican leaders blame Democrat obstruction and obscure rules for their inability to get things done. CPI’s Policy Director, Rachel Bovard, has written extensively about how, in failing to do […]
How Much Amnesty?
January 30, 2018NumbersUSA has put together a comparison of the amnesty give-aways and other policies contained in the President’s proposal, and various other proposals that are making their way through Congress. Take a look.
Conservative concerns with White House amnesty compromise
January 28, 2018After Democrats shutdown the government over demands for amnesty for 800,000 young illegal immigrants who took part in former President Obama’s unconstitutional DACA program, the Trump White House recently proposed a compromise. The newly unveiled plan includes: Immediate amnesty for 1.8 million illegal immigrants, including path to citizenship after 10-12 years – 800,000 young illegals who […]
Marist Poll: Huge Majorities Support Pro-Life Legislation
January 24, 2018A new poll of more than 2500 American adults conducted in the last few weeks found that 76% of Americans favor significant abortion restrictions and most find abortion morally objectionable. More from the press release: More than three quarters of Americans would limit abortion to — at most — the first three months of pregnancy, according […]