Tax Reform Roundup

November 28th, 2017

As the House and Senate start making significant moves toward their goal of passing tax reform before Christmas, we’ve pulled together resources from the around the conservative movement which discuss the policies at stake.

Know Your History

Take a look at the tax concepts being discussed during previous tax reform debates.

Cato Institute Policy Analysis from 1996: Supply-Side Tax Cuts and the Truth about the Reagan Economic Record

Heritage Institute Report from 2001: Lowering Marginal Tax Rates: The Key to Pro-Growth Tax Relief

American Enterprise Institute

AEI has put out several papers in response to the tax reform proposals from the House and Senate.

The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation has weighed in with analysis – including charts and graphs – showing the impact of these tax proposals.

The Mercatus Institute 
Scholars at the Mercatus Institute dive in to negotiations over tax reform and the policy’s long-term economic impacts.
The following groups released key votes in favor of the House-passed tax reform: