Bovard on Pelosi’s COVID-19 Bill: A Liberal Wishlist, “Woke-Scolding”

March 24, 2020

Earlier today, CPI’s Senior Director of Policy Rachel Bovard documented the liberal policies buried in Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s COVID-19 response bill, policies that would do nothing to solve the public health crisis. Her Twitter thread pointing out this abuse has gone viral. It has been shared by numerous conservative leaders including Senator Mike Lee, Rep. Dan Crenshaw, Ben […]

Can The Right Build On Trump’s Social Media Success? One Nonprofit Is Betting On It

February 26, 2020

Conservatives have had the disadvantage in multimedia for decades, saying that the left has had a monopoly on the market, but the Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI) is here to help.

DEMINT: The Secret To Trump’s Winning: Trust

January 23, 2020

Our nation was born, in 1776, with our Founders’ promise of “our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor” to one another. Our Constitution was rooted in 1787, creating — in Benjamin Franklin’s famous warning — “a republic, if you can keep it.” And of course, the only way to “keep” a republic is through […]